Saturday, June 29, 2013

a great charecter actor

this  is  a  cebrity   biography 
about veteran  interesting
character  actor ned beatty
he has  made  a record
of a hundred  films in
his career  his film debut
was deliverance also
he had a another
memorable  role in
white lighting with
burt  Reynolds playing
a sheerif  up to no good.
today  ned beatty still
remains  active.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

jerry lewis the genius of comedy

this  is  a  celebrity  story  about  the
legendary  comedian  with  talents
and  later on  he would  have
his  own  telefon  to help children
it was  jerry lewis  he  began his
career  with  dean martin they
did successful movies  together
at their peak  but  jerry lewis
wanted   to  go  by himself
and he did  jerry lewis
had a successful solo  career
today jerry lewis  is officialy
retired  from acting.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

a genius of american cinema

this   is  a  celebrity  biography  about  the director
who  was  influenced  by  the  films   of  john ford
was  the  late  orsen  wells  before directing
American  cinema  he  had  his  own radio show
about  aliens  but  wells  decided  he want
to be a filmmaker his film debut  was citizen kane
also  the magnificent  ambersons also another
classic touch of  evil and  the trail  which
orsen wells  thought that's  the  best film
I  ever  made  since  after he died  hes  still
well  known.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

a afican american comedian genius

this  is  the  story   of   life and  times
the  African American  comedian
who  changed  comedy forever
was  the late  Richard  pryor
he  started  doing  comedy
as  stand up  also tv guest
appearencess  he had
hit blockbusters   like
the toy  bustin  loose
car wash  and other
but  it wasn't a happy
ending Richard pryor
died of  ms.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

the original basketball player

this is a  biography  about  nba  veteran legend  
pete mavarich  also  not  only  he was  good
in the pros  he  was good  in  college
pete mavarich  played  for lsu  he was drafted
for the  atlanta  hawks in  1970  also in the late
seventies  he  scored  a  bunch  of  points
against  the new york  knicks he passed  away
in  the eightees.